Jan 11, 2018


AIS (Attention and Research of Socioadicciones)
AIS is a private, independent, non-profit organization, declared of public utility and recognized as a mental health center according to the resolution of the General Directorate of Health Resources. Register E 08643160. Currently it also forms part of the Mental Health and Addictions network of the Generalitat de Catalunya (XHUP). It is an association founded in 1977 that since its inception has focused its preventive and welfare activities on disorders generated by sectarian relationships and other processes of psychological manipulation.

The accumulated experience in the treatment of these disorders, as well as the attention to other problems that were spontaneously occurring in our entity, led to extending the scope of action to other situations of similar characteristics in terms of the degree of excessive dependence that they generated.

The increase of these problems in our society, the identification of common links between the various socioaddictions (or non-chemical addictions) and the scarcity of specialized therapeutic resources have led to the extension of the scope of action to the set of socioaddictions.

AIS | Attention and Research of Socioadicciones
Barcelona - C / Forn 7-9 Local 08014 Barcelona - Tel. 93.301.30.24 Fax 93.301.87.44 
Madrid - C / General Castaños, 13, 2nd right. 28004 Madrid - To arrange visits call Tel. 93.301.30.24

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